Class IDCardInfo
Private strAuthor ,strVersion ,StrMessage,StrIDCard
Public Property Let IDCard(ByVal strVar)
StrIDCard =strVar
End Property
Public Property Get Version
Version = strVersion
End Property
Public Property Get Author
Author = strAuthor
End Property
Public Property Get DataList
DataList = strDataList
End Property
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
strAuthor = "林其浓–http://www.youthbar.com"
strVersion = "1.0"
strMessage="该类功能:从省份证号码中获得生日,性别,籍贯等信息,欢迎测试使用!<br>联系制作者:<a href='mailto:[email protected]'>林其浓</a> @ <a href='http://www.youthbar.com'>www.youthbar.com</a>.<br>"
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
'Response.Write "<br>myClass结束了<br>"
End Sub
Public Property Get Message
End Property
Public Property Get Error
End Property
Function IDCheck(e)
IDCheck = ""
arrVerifyCode = Split("1,0,x,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2", ",")
Wi = Split("7,9,10,5,8,4,2,1,6,3,7,9,10,5,8,4,2", ",")
Checker = Split("1,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,1", ",")
If Len(e) < 15 Or Len(e) = 16 Or Len(e) = 17 Or Len(e) > 18 Then
IDCheck= "身份证号共有 15 码或18位"
Exit Function
End If
Dim Ai
If Len(e) = 18 Then
Ai = Mid(e, 1, 17)
ElseIf Len(e) = 15 Then
Ai = e
Ai = Left(Ai, 6) & "19" & Mid(Ai, 7, 9)
End If
If Not IsNumeric(Ai) Then
IDCheck= "身份证除最后一位外,必须为数字!"
IDCheck = False
Exit Function
End If
Dim strYear, strMonth, strDaym,BirthDay
strYear = CInt(Mid(Ai, 7, 4))
strMonth = CInt(Mid(Ai, 11, 2))
strDay = CInt(Mid(Ai, 13, 2))
BirthDay = Trim(strYear) + "-" + Trim(strMonth) + "-" + Trim(strDay)
If IsDate(BirthDay) Then
If DateDiff("yyyy",Now,BirthDay)<-140 or cdate(BirthDay)>date() Then
IDCheck= "身份证输入错误!"
IDCheck = False
Exit Function
End If
If strMonth > 12 Or strDay > 31 Then
IDCheck = False
IDCheck= "身份证输入错误!"
Exit Function
End If
IDCheck= "身份证输入错误!"
Exit Function
End If
Dim i, TotalmulAiWi
For i = 0 To 16
TotalmulAiWi = TotalmulAiWi + CInt(Mid(Ai, i + 1, 1)) * Wi(i)
Dim modValue
modValue = TotalmulAiWi Mod 11
Dim strVerifyCode
strVerifyCode = arrVerifyCode(modValue)
Ai = Ai & strVerifyCode
IDCheck =True' Ai
If Len(e) = 18 And e <> Ai Then
IDCheck= "身份证号码输入错误!"
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Function IDCheckedStr(e)
IDCheckedStr= ""
arrVerifyCode = Split("1,0,x,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2", ",")
Wi = Split("7,9,10,5,8,4,2,1,6,3,7,9,10,5,8,4,2", ",")
Checker = Split("1,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,1", ",")
If Len(e) < 15 Or Len(e) = 16 Or Len(e) = 17 Or Len(e) > 18 Then
IDCheckedStr= "身份证号共有 15 码或18位"
Exit Function
End If
Dim Ai
If Len(e) = 18 Then
Ai = Mid(e, 1, 17)
ElseIf Len(e) = 15 Then
Ai = e
Ai = Left(Ai, 6) & "19" & Mid(Ai, 7, 9)
End If
If Not IsNumeric(Ai) Then
IDCheckedStr= "身份证除最后一位外,必须为数字!"
IDCheckedStr = False
Exit Function
End If
Dim strYear, strMonth, strDay,BirthDay
strYear = CInt(Mid(Ai, 7, 4))
strMonth = CInt(Mid(Ai, 11, 2))
strDay = CInt(Mid(Ai, 13, 2))
BirthDay = Trim(strYear) + "-" + Trim(strMonth) + "-" + Trim(strDay)
If IsDate(BirthDay) Then
If DateDiff("yyyy",Now,BirthDay)<-140 or cdate(BirthDay)>date() Then
IDCheckedStr= "身份证输入错误!"
IDCheckedStr = False
Exit Function
End If
If strMonth > 12 Or strDay > 31 Then
IDCheckedStr = False
IDCheckedStr= "身份证输入错误!"
Exit Function
End If
IDCheckedStr= "身份证输入错误!"
Exit Function
End If
Dim i, TotalmulAiWi
For i = 0 To 16
TotalmulAiWi = TotalmulAiWi + CInt(Mid(Ai, i + 1, 1)) * Wi(i)
Dim modValue
modValue = TotalmulAiWi Mod 11
Dim strVerifyCode
strVerifyCode = arrVerifyCode(modValue)
Ai = Ai & strVerifyCode
IDCheckedStr = Ai
If Len(e) = 18 And e <> Ai Then
IDCheckedStr= "身份证号码输入错误!"
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Private Function CardErr()
End Function
Public Function CardLen()
if CardErr()=True then
end if
End Function
Public Function BirthDay()
Dim strYear, strMonth, strDay,Ai
if CardErr()=true then
strYear = CInt(Mid(Ai, 7, 4))
strMonth = CInt(Mid(Ai, 11, 2))
strDay = CInt(Mid(Ai, 13, 2))
BirthDay = Trim(strYear) + "-" + Trim(strMonth) + "-" + Trim(strDay)
end if
End Function
Public Function Sex()
if CardErr()=true then
End if
End Function
End Class
dim NewClass
Set NewClass = New IDCardInfo
作者: <%= NewClass.Author %>
版本: <%= NewClass.Version %>
类说明:<%= NewClass.Message %>
数据列表: <%' NewClass.DataList %>
错误: <%= NewClass.error %>
长度: <% = NewClass.CardLen%>
生日:<%= NewClass.BirthDay() %>
性别:<%= NewClass.Sex() %>
北京 11
天津 12
河北 13
山西 14
内蒙古 15
辽宁 21
吉林 22
黑龙江 23
上海 31
江苏 32
浙江 33
安徽 34
福建 35
江西 36
山东 37
河南 41
湖北 42
湖南 43
广东 44
广西 45
海南 46
重庆 50
四川 51
贵州 52
云南 53
西藏 54
陕西 61
甘肃 62
青海 63
宁夏 64
新疆 65
台湾 71
香港 81
澳门 82
国外 91