关于师范大学为什么叫Normal University

今天忽然想到一个问题,为什么师范大学要叫normal university呢?Google了一下,查到baidu知道上的一个解释,说这是中国人的独创、是中国式英语,查了英文wiki才知道这个解释是胡说八道。

The term “normal school” originated in the early 19th century from the French école normale, meaning “model school”. The French concept of an “ecole normale” was to provide a model school with model classrooms to teach model teaching practices to its student teachers. The children, the teachers of the children, the student teachers, and the teachers of the students were all together in the same building. Although a laboratory school, it was the official school for the children–primary or secondary.

The terminology is preserved in the official translations of such schools in both the Republic of China and the People’s Republic of China since the early 20th century. A Chinese normal university (Chinese: 師範大學; pinyin: shīfàn dàxué, abbreviated 師大; shīdà) is usually controlled by the national or provincial government.

The terminology is also preserved in Europe, both in the Écoles Normales Supérieures in France and in the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Neither specialize any longer in teacher training.


再多说一点,中国的师范教育和美国不一样,美国一般只是综合大学里面有教育学院(college of education),而没有专门的师范大学。中国的师范大学其实一般也是综合大学,而不等同于美国综合大学中的教育学院。比如北师大、南师大,不管哪个师大都有中文系、数学系、物理系等各个文理系科,而且都承担专业领域的科研任务,这和美国的教育学院完全不是一个概念。美国的教育学院大概相当于中国师范大学的教育系而已,当然中国现在有的师范大学的教育系也叫教育学院了。从“师范教育”到“教师教育”的转型这篇文章里面提到了“师范学校”的变迁。

从“师范教育”到“教师教育”的转型 : http://www.xiaocao.com/thesis/class17/class5/200512/9824.html

上海师大在04年之前叫做shanghai teacher's university 也有说法是shanghai teacher-training university 校徽和现在也不一样 是一朵白玉兰上面拖着一个朵小花.

现在的我们 可以笑称自己是上海标准大学出来的标准毕业生了 hoho

关于师范大学为什么叫Normal University》有2个想法
